
Advice, tips & news for farmers who want to 'work smarter'

Flow rate calculator makes fertiliser spreader calibration easy!

Posted by Sam Searle on Sep 9, 2019 12:29:26 PM

We've just made it easier to calibrate your fertiliser spreader! Back in August 2016 we published this blog: HOW TO CALIBRATE A FERTILISER SPREADER, even though it's helped many farmers to spread accurately, calculating the required flow rate needed to be made easier!

We've done that!

We have now made our own online Fertiliser Flow Rate Calculator page along with listing out the 4 easy steps required to calibrate your fertiliser spreader.

Flow rate calculator

Proceed to the new and updated: FERTILISER SPREADER CALIBRATION PAGE


Topics: Fertiliser Spreading, Tips, Hacks & How To's