
Advice, tips & news for farmers who want to 'work smarter'

3 Best Ways To Load Seed Drills & Fertiliser Spreaders

Posted by Sam Searle on Jan 17, 2018 9:52:00 AM

Time to rethink loading of seed drills & bulk spreaders

With the release of new H&S rules regarding bulk bags & the intention of most leading fertiliser company's to remove the 'single trip' bag from circulation you should be thinking about your options when it comes to loading your seed drill or bulk fert spreader.


Recently we've been asked a lot what the best way is, the answer really depends... if your loading a seeder &/or a bulk fert spreader we think you really need a Funnel Bucket, but if your loading an atv/utv spreader it may be a bit overkill!


Below we have listed the 3 most common methods for handling fert & seed and the main advantages & disadvantages of each, so have a read and make your own decision!


What are your options for loading the seeder & spreader?

There are several options available to you, below some are listed with advantages & disadvantages:


1) Jacky Bin for on farm storage and dispensing

Jacky Bin



  • Reasonably affordable (good quality bins are available for about 2k)
  • Can be used to store other material when fert & seed is not required


  • Is only suited to loading atv/utv & small 3 point linkage mounted spreaders (if this is all you are loading it is not a disadvantage) - it is not suited to loading large capacity fert spreaders or seeders as you would have to lift it up above the hopper and climb up to activate it - creating a health & safety hazard.
  • The capacity of the bin is the limit as to how much material you can store on your farm, and can only store one type of material per bin.


2) Bag spike & tap dispensers

Bulk Bag Spike


  • Very low cost (are available for about $100)


  • Some types still require you to reach under the bag to operate it creating a health & safety hazard (the bag rules were implemented to prevent this for a start)
  • Other types that tap into the side with a hose & tap require you to lift the bag up above the hopper for gravity to pull the fertiliser out, this creates another health & safety hazard as you have to lift the bag to just higher than your hopper. Further to this you still have to climb onto the airseeder/ fert spreader and position the hose into the hopper & activate the tap - this creates multiple hazards ranging from slips, falls & also damage to your spreader or seeder.

3) Funnel Bucket


Funnel Bucket 1300x600



  • Perhaps the safest of all the options, this front end loader attachment (or telehandler) totally removes the need for anyone to climb up onto the seeder or spreader to position hoses & activate taps or go underneath bulk bags etc. You can do the entire job from the cab of your loader/telehandler
  • It can be used for so much more than just fertiliser or seed! use it for grain, stock feed & pellets, sand, gravel (basically anything that flows!
  • No need to go to the depot to get your fert, get it delivered on farm into the bunker & scoop it up from there.
  • Can be used to load anything, bulk spreaders, seed drills, helicopters etc
  • Portable - ideal for contractors & larger farms.


  • Requires slightly more investment outlay than most other options
  • On farm storage for your fertiliser & seed is required

For information on the Funnel Bucket or to see a video of it working check it out here 


 More on Funnel Buckets Here


If you have any questions about your on farm material handling needs feel free to talk to one of our team for advice, our job is to help NZ farmers get the job done!


If you would like to know where you can purchase any of the above products just contact us & we can point you in the right direction!


Contact Us Here


Make sure you check our the rest of our blogs, including this one here on how to calibrate your spreader How-To Calibrate A Fertiliser Spreader


Topics: Fertiliser Spreading, Material Handling, Working Safer, Working Smarter