
Advice, tips & news for farmers who want to 'work smarter'

Farmers getting the job done smarter with Rata

Posted by Sam Searle on Jul 3, 2019 6:05:00 AM

Every day Rata attachments help to get the jobs of farmers done across New Zealand and some parts of Australia. In this blog we hear from Dairy farmers in New Zealand and an Australian cattle farmer to see how Rata help to get the job done smarter.

Dan Jackson | Rakaia, NZ

Dan Jackson has found his Rata Silage Grab, Tow Hitch and Bale Forks to be very helpful in getting his feed out jobs done. Listen to what he has to say about his Rata gear and experience.


Check out the Silage Grab Dan talks about here: Rata Silage Grab


Stratford Farms | South Canterbury, NZ

Stratford Farms are owners of a full range of Rata attachments, from Bale Forks to Versatile Grapples, and several sets of Rata Bale Clamps. In this video Gareth from Stratford farms tells us about their Rata Bale Clamps and how they help to handle 4,000 wrapped bales per year.


Check out the Bale Clamps Gareth talk about here: Rata Bale Clamps


Rogan Borrie | Otago, NZ

Rogan Borrie has over 15 Rata implements and attachments ranging from Silage Grabs, Forks, Quick Hitches and Bale Clamps to Aerators & Maxitills. Rogan has used 2 Rata Bale Clamps to handle over 80,000 bales!


Find out why it matters to have quality Bale Clamps here: The true value of a wrapped bale handler


Landfall Farms | Tasmania, AU

Landfall Farms graze 1800 Angus cattle and 3000 commercial ewes in the Tamar Valley of Tasmania, here Frank Archer tells us about their early experience with fodder beet and how the Rata Beet Bucket has made the beet programme much easier and faster, helping to get the job done smarter.


Check out the Beet Bucket Landfall Farms use here: Rata Beet Bucket


Download the Rata Attachments Catalogue here:

Attachments catalogue download

Topics: Silage & Winter Feed Handling, Working Smarter, attachments