All trailed Vogal fertiliser spreaders operate with the Easy lock or Pin lock drive system, we're often asked what the difference is so watch the video below where Sam explains how each works and what the benefits of the different drive systems are.
As explained in the above video the Easy lock drive system makes it much easier for farmers and farm hands to put the spreaders gearbox in and out of engagement without having to dismount from the bike or crouch down around the back of the spreader.
Vogal Spreaders with the Easy lock drive system are:
- Spreadmax EX120 - View Here
- Spreadmax EX240 - View Here
- Spreadmax EX500 - View Here
- Spreadmax EX750 - View Here
- Spreadmax TT750 - View Here
Interested in spreading smarter? check out the 5 Tips For Effective Fertiliser Spreading